Respect for nature and the living.
More than a desire, a will.
Always in search of techniques in phase with the ecosystem, it is essential for us to perfect ourselves, to remain curious and to move towards organic farming.
As part of our commitment to transparency and quality, we are members of the “Group of independent winegrowers”
Passionate and faithful to our terroir, we work hard to preserve our vineyards and practice a gentle cultivation of the soil. We have definitively banned all types of weed killers and systemic plant protection.
We plough four times a year so that the roots go deep and the stock is less subject to variations in temperature and hydrometry.
Since 2018 our vineyard has been cultivated in accordance with the HVE specifications. In the meantime all our production is certified HVE3 (the most demanding level of the environmental certification system for agricultural and wine-producing farms). This was however only the first step. Since 2020 we are in transition towards ecological farming. The first certified vintage will be the 2023

For us it is very clear that, with the necessary adaptions, it is possible to produce differently and make quality wines while helping to preserve the planet.
Starting with the 2020 vintage we decided to vinify our wines VEGAN. A “Vegan” wine contains no animal inputs. Normally the fining (a process used to eliminate suspended particles so that the wine is clear) is traditionally carried out using animal proteins such as or egg whites.
For Vegan wines, these proteins from animal origin are replaced by proteins of vegetable origin from chick-peas or potatoes. This replacement does not alter the taste of the wine and it is in favor of the environment as vegetable protein is less damaging to our planet than animal protein.
Respect for the environment and biodiversity is at the heart of Château d’Agel’s concerns. It is simply a question of respecting our Earth, our ethics and our consumers.

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17,00€CHÂTEAU D’AGEL 37,5 cl
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